This week was the beginning of a new 6 week Transformation Challenge I’m running with a handful of clients.
We had a couple solid workouts today. The awesome people in the challenge worked extremely hard, doing a style of workouts they had never really done before. It was a lot of fun for the first week and I have no doubt these few people are going to have amazing transformations over the next 6 weeks.
After the workouts this week we took a few minutes to talk about nutrition. They had a lot of questions as most people do when they get started working with me. Even though I’ve been helping people lose weight, clean up their diets and feel better for 13 years, a lot of my strategies are still counter to what most people believe will give them the results they’re looking for.
So I sat them down and said:
“Listen, I want this to be as simple as possible for you so that you don’t have to spend all of your time thinking about what you’re eating. Instead you can very quickly know you’re making the best food choices and get on living your life. Sound good?”
They all agreed, so I continued:
“Alright, cool. This is by far the simplest weight loss diet of all time and it’s only 2 words. Remember these two words and you’ll have no problem saying ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to any food that comes by. As long as you stick to these 2 words at least 80% of the time, you’ll be amazed at the progress you can make.”
The entire group was anxiously waiting to hear what these magical 2 words were. So, I told them:
“All I want you to think about is, ‘Green Faces’.”
As you can imagine, they were all a little bit confused. What does “Green Faces” mean?
“If your food is green – as in, fruits and vegetables – or it had a face at one time – as in, meat/fish/eggs – eat it. If not, don’t eat it.”
Green = Vegetables, Fruit, Plants
Faces = Meat, Fish, Eggs
Green Faces. Eat until your satisfied, not stuffed. Eat as much as you need to. Follow this at least 80% of the time.
It doesn’t get much more simple than that.
Like I explained in the article “You Have To Know The Rules Before You Can Bend Them“, most people can make amazing weight loss progress and feel great without ever needing to count calories or worry about carbs/fats/proteins. They just need to be consistent with the “BIG ROCKS”, which includes “Green Faces” – lots of vegetables, a little bit of fruit, combined with plenty of meat, fish, or eggs.
There’s no need to make you diet overly complicated. If decide that you want to take things to the next level and go from “pretty lean” to “very shredded”, then yes you’ll have to start counting calories and macros. But until that point, most people will be able to lose a substantial amount of weight and start to feel a lot better by keeping things simple.
Green Faces. Remember those 2 words to keep your nutrition simple and spend your extra time doing things you love.
Would You Like Some Personalized Help With This?

Our 16-week Sustainable Weight Loss Solution Level 1 Coaching Program is officially open and we are accepting new clients.
The Sustainable Weight Loss Solution helps people lose up to 40 lbs and go from frustrated to fit in just 16 weeks. This is all done in a sustainable way using our short but effective at-home F.I.R.E. Workouts and Sustainable Nutrition System – NO confusing calorie counting or spending your life in a gym required.
If you’re ready to get off the diet rollercoaster for good, feel stronger and healthier than ever with more confidence in yourself and your body, I would encourage you to apply for a complimentary Transformation Strategy Call today.
During your call we’ll discuss:
- Where you’re at right now in terms of health and fitness
- Where you’d like to be in the next 6-12 months
- Any obstacles or challenges your facing & how to break through them
After that you’ll have a chance to ask any questions you may have, and if it seems like a good fit we can discuss how to get started in the Sustainable Weight Loss Solution Level 1 Coaching Program.
But either way you’ll walk away with crystal clear clarity on what you need to do to achieve your biggest fitness, wellness or weight loss goals.
So take 5 minutes to answer a couple of questions on this page and schedule a time for your complimentary Transformation Strategy Call before the spots fill up.