On Wednesday and Friday this week I’m going to be speaking about sustainable weight loss strategies at Red River College here in Winnipeg.
Of course, this is a topic I know quite well after helping hundreds of people lose at least 30 lbs and a handful of people lose over 100 lbs without crazy diets or spending hours in the gym.
I’m still organizing my thoughts on how I’ll move through this big topic, but one of the first things I plan on talking about is something I call your “Destination Postcard”.
I’ve written about this before, but it’s always important to revisit (which is also one of the aspects of this activity).
This is one of the first activities we do in the Sustainable Weight Loss Coaching Experience.
Basically, you want to get a crystal clear image in your head of exactly what you want to achieve over the next 12 months. After all, if you don’t know where you’re going, how do you expect to get there?
Once you have that image in your head, you’re going to write yourself a letter.
This letter is going to be from “Future You” to “Today You”.
Future You has already achieved everything you just pictured and they’re writing a letter to Today You about what it’s like 12 months from now.
Take a second and get yourself in this mindset. Really put yourself in that moment 12 months from now, looking at yourself in the mirror after achieving your big goal.
Now, write yourself a letter as “Future You”.
Talk about what it feels like 12 months from now.
Mention what you had to go through, what obstacles you had to get past in order to achieve your big goal.
How does it feel to have overcome those obstacles and to have achieved your big goal?
How does your body feel now? How has your health improved? How much more energy do you have and what are you doing with all this extra energy?
What do your days look like now? How has achieving your big goal affected your day-to-day life? How has it impacted your family life? Your career? Your relationships?
Write all of that down.
Have some fun with this. It can be as long or as short as you’d like, but the more detail you can put into it the more effective it will be.
Now, the most important part – put your Destination Postcard somewhere you’ll see it every day.
You could put it in the bathroom or on the fridge or somewhere else entirely. It doesn’t matter where you put it, as long as you’ll see it every day.
We need to keep this destination crystal clear in your mind every single day so that we stay focused and motivated when those inevitable obstacles pop up.
Begin with the end in mind, constantly remind yourself of it and then do the work every day to get there.
If you’d like some help with this, I’m opening up 10 spots for new clients in the Sustainable Weight Loss Coaching Experience.
If you’ve struggled with weight loss in the past and want to finally get off the “diet rollercoaster” this is for you.