
FREE WORKSHOP: After 13 years of helping 1247 successful clients lose 10,684 lbs...

We've Discovered How You Can Avoid Being One Of The 93% Of People Who Struggle To Lose Weight That Stays Gone

Presented by Cameron Makarchuk, B.Sc, CPT, Pn1
Founder & CEO, BluePhoenix Fitness
Creator of The Sustainable Weight Loss Solution

During this FREE training we'll cover:

How 93 million websites have misled you
Why popular advice like "count calories" or "points" will keep you struggling
3 ways you've been set up to fail at losing weight & how you can finally conquer them
The 7 "Big Rocks Of Sustainable Weight Loss" that helped one women lose 183 lbs in 16 months (and how they can help you too)

100% FREE - watch the training TODAY!

As Seen In

Who Is This Free Workshop For?

Busy Moms

Busy moms with hectic schedules that want to feel confident in their body again.

Strong Women

Strong women who have been successful in other areas of life but have struggled with long-term weight loss

20+ lbs to lose

Highly motivated individuals who have more than 20+ lbs you want to lose so that you feel healthier and more confident

100% FREE - watch the training TODAY!

Exclusive free training with Cameron Makarchuk

Since 2007 Cameron Makarchuk has devoted his life to helping thousands of people get stronger, healthier and lose more body fat with properly designed, time efficient workout programs, lifestyle-based nutrition strategies combined with simple ways to sleep better and reduce their stress.

He has spent the last 14 years studying fitness, exercise physiology, nutrition science, behaviour change and mindset strategies - including a university degree in exercise science and multiple certifications, including one of the first Certified Online Trainers (OTC).

Now he helps regular people just like you, eat better, move better and fell better so that you can perform your best everyday and live an awesome life.

Basically, Cameron provides the fountain of youth for the BluePhoenix Family!

"Cam showed me I had the strength to over come anything as long as I put my mind to it."

-Courtney, lost 183 lbs

"Today I can honestly say I enjoy working out, I feel confident in how I look and I know I’m stronger and healthier than I’ve ever been."

Rosie, lost 125 lbs

“All I can say is WOW! 
I cannot thank you enough for being such a great coach over the last month."

Teresa, down 6 inches & 10 lbs

100% FREE - watch the workshop TODAY!

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Please read this quick and mandatory disclaimer message. Due to recent statements made by the FTC we are required to inform you of what "typical results" may be. The unfortunate truth is many people do nothing with the programs they buy so their "typical results" would be zero. This is sad but true. The biggest factor in success with any program is you. All results depend on how much work and dedication you put in. There is no such thing as a magic bullet for anything in life. Do the work, reap the rewards.

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