“Really, that’s it? That’s all I have to do? Are you sure?”
This is a common response from new weight loss clients when we start discussing changes in their diet or workouts.
Contrary to what most of the attention grabbing headlines and “Insta-coaches” will try to convince you of, you don’t have to change everything about your entire life all in one day when you’re trying to lose weight, feel better or simply live a healthier lifestyle.
A little bit more, a little bit better.
Thinking about doing things “a little bit more, a little bit better” is something I picked up during the Precision Nutrition certification. And now it’s a strategy that I use with coaching clients almost every single day.
This strategy suggests that we don’t have to change everything all at once. Rome wasn’t built in a day and our behaviours aren’t going to change overnight. All we have to do is pick something we’re doing really well already, and do it a little bit more often and a little bit better.
Putting This Strategy To Work
Everyone knows they should probably be eating more vegetables. So instead of worrying about eating 1200 calories/day (a common and ridiculous recommendation), maybe let’s try getting 1-2 handfuls of vegetables with all of your meals first. Then try doing that a little bit more each week.
Or maybe you think you should be eating out less often and preparing more meals at home. Instead of worrying about weighing your food, let’s figure out how many take-out meals you had last week and try reducing that a little bit this week.
Let’s say you went out for lunch every day last week. This week you could aim to bring your own lunch twice. If you manage to do more, great, but as long as you bring your own lunch twice we’ll call that a win. And what’s the best food to bring for lunch? At this point it doesn’t matter as long as you prepare it at home and bring it with you. We can worry about what’s in your lunch later.
A little bit more, a little bit better. That’s all it takes to start to see noticeable differences in your the way you look, feel, and perform each day.
If you were to practice only this one strategy consistently every week for a year, you’d be amazed at the progress you made.
Does it sound as cool as, “lose 27 lbs in 14 days with this magic mushroom I discovered in the Amazon jungle”?
No, not really, but I promise you’ll be much happier with the results.
Are You Ready To Become The Healthiest, Strongest, Most Confident Version Of YOU?
Our 16-week Sustainable Weight Loss Solution Level 1 Coaching Program is officially open and we are accepting new clients.
The Sustainable Weight Loss Solution helps people lose up to 40 lbs and go from frustrated to fit in just 16 weeks. This is all done in a sustainable way using our short but effective at-home F.I.R.E. Workouts and Sustainable Nutrition System – NO confusing calorie counting or spending your life in a gym required.
If you’re ready to get off the diet rollercoaster for good, feel stronger and healthier than ever with more confidence in yourself and your body, I would encourage you to apply for a complimentary Transformation Strategy Call today.
During your call we’ll discuss:
- Where you’re at right now in terms of health and fitness
- Where you’d like to be in the next 6-12 months
- Any obstacles or challenges your facing & how to break through them
After that you’ll have a chance to ask any questions you may have, and if it seems like a good fit we can discuss how to get started in the Sustainable Weight Loss Solution Level 1 Coaching Program.
But either way you’ll walk away with crystal clear clarity on what you need to do to achieve your biggest fitness, wellness or weight loss goals.
So take 5 minutes to answer a couple of questions on this page and schedule a time for your complimentary Transformation Strategy Call before the spots fill up.